First off this little project is a rip off of a very popular, hipster yuppie, blog...... I thought it was cool nonetheless, and because I have recently (over the past couple months) started using honey as a sweetener and drinking shit loads of tea, I am beginning to acquire honey bear containers. So I thought, I should make these into cute little vases like those hipsters. However, in that blog, which shall remain nameless, they used gold leaf. Now I don't know about you, but I do not have gold leaf laying around, I am not that kinda girl, I do however have spray paint, cherry red spray paint, so that's how I am starting this little project. I also used my cell phone to take the photos in the demo, so they are really shitty quality (my real camera was dead) sorry....
OK first off remove that eye sore cork screw top. If you cut it off right above the large rim, it will come off so perfectly that it will have a nice lip and no need to sand it down. I did this with a serrated knife. First I tried a x-acto knife, but those bears are thick. So, I moved on to my husbands fancy cutlery.
(what he doesn't know won't hurt him....or his cutlery)
Now, break out that spray paint, and lightly spray that honey bear down. I left it at one coat so its still kind of opaque and his cute little eyes and nose show through.
Fill it up with stuff....
Honey bear don't care...